Episode 1: “The Diamante Dilemma!”: When Blue Eagle and Switch foil her plan to steal the priceless Diamante Diamond, Queen Venus gets an idea to have them bring the diamond to her.

At the Herald City Police Station, the Chief of Police gets some disturbing news! 

“What!?” asked the Chief. “Are you sure!?” 

“Yessir!” replied the officer reporting to him. “Queen Venus is attacking the Herald City Jewel Expo!” 

The Chief shot to his feet. He adjusted his bright blue police uniform. His gaze wandered throughout his office, passing by but not quite registering the photos of him graduating from Police Academy, standing at promotion ceremonies, and receiving honors from the mayor. The awards and plaques on the wall for his years of outstanding service lined the walls, but her chilling face was the only thing his vision saw. 

Why did she have to keep terrorizing this city? 

“Sir! Should I order all units to the Expo?” the officer asked. 

“Absolutely not!” replied the Chief. “Queen Venus is the most dangerous villain this city has ever seen! Those cops won’t stand a chance against her. The only way to fight a supervillain is with a superhero! Get me Blue Eagle and Switch!” 


Meanwhile, at the Herald City Jewel Expo...... 

“It’s Queen Venus!” a man yelled, pointing at the woman in the green costume who entered the building. Her long green cape obscured most of her costume, but the red vine design that merged into a Venus Fly Trap-styled heart was visible nonetheless. Her mask covered her face entirely. The plant eye pattern and crown of thorns gave her an unnerving look. 

“What she doing here!?” a woman shouted. 

“It doesn’t matter! Run!” yelled another man. Expo attendees fled for their lives to the nearest exit. 

“Move faster, you diddling dimwits!” Queen Venus yelled at her henchmen, her white long-gloved hand pointing to the target of their attack. She stood in the entrance that she made in the wall, vines lining the edge of the newly created “door” that led out to the street. 

“On it, boss!” said Frankie, his short stubby body running as fast as it could towards their target. 

“We’ll get that diamond right away!” said Willie, his tall lanky frame moving quickly to the display case. 

In the center of the room was their target, a giant silver-white diamond in a glass display case. Frankie removed a paper advertisement from his pocket. 

“This is it. The Diamante Diamond!” he said. Reading from the ad, he continued, “‘Come see the Diamante Diamond, the ancient priceless diamond lost to time, rumored to exist in ancient Mayan ruins but never seen by human eyes.’” 

“How nice of them to find it and put it in a nice display case for us, eh Frankie?” said Willie. 

“You said it.” 

Queen Venus strode up beside them. “A diamond thought lost to time in an ancient lost civilization? An artifact that was widely believed to never have even existed by many historians? Possessing this diamond would make me the wealthiest person in the world a thousand times over. And with wealth....comes power.” 

Not so fast, Queen Venus!” came a booming voice from behind them. 

They turned around to see a pair of figures in the hole that Queen Venus created in the wall. On the left was a man, the source of the voice. On the right was a child, approximately 12-13 years old. They wore identical blue costumes with white gloves, boots, and belt. Their white capes billowed behind them. On their chests was a familiar insignia. The symbol of Herald City’s superhero, Blue Eagle. 

“I think it’s time for you to have a nice talk with a judge,” said Blue Eagle. 

“Curses, it’s that meddling Blue Eagle, and his sidekick Switch the Blue Eaglet!” said Queen Venus. 

“Gee, Blue Eagle, it seems like she knows us,” said Switch sarcastically. 

“Maybe it’s because we’re constantly thwarting her plans,” replied Blue Eagle. 

“You certainly have been a thorn in my side for way too long,” said Queen Venus, raising her arms towards them. “Let me return the favor!” 

Two vines raised from the floor on either side of her, breaking through the polished floor. Their pointed ends aimed at the superhero pair and opened like gaping maws. Razor sharp thorns began to fire from them like machine guns. 

“Get behind cover!” ordered Blue Eagle. He and Switch both dived behind display cases, the thorns sticking into glass and ornate wood. 

“It feels like she called in the Marines,” said Switch. “We can’t even get close to her.” 

“Then we’ll show her our firepower. Use your eyebeams!” said Blue Eagle. 

They both turned towards the vines. Their eyes glowed red, powerful beams emitting from them. The beams collided with the vines, turning them into burnt ash. 

“Great shot, Blue Eaglet!” congratulated Blue Eagle. 

Queen Venus growled with anger. She looked at Frankie and Willie. “Well, don’t just stand there like withering weeds! Get them!” 

Frankie and Willie charged at the pair, only to be sent in retreat by a barrage of eyebeams. 

“Fools! I said ‘Get them’! Not ‘Get out’!” yelled Queen Venus. 

“Sorry, boss!” said Willie. “But we don’t wanna get burned to a crisp like those vines of yours!” 

“And you won’t,” said Blue Eagle, standing directly before them. “But you will get a few more years tacked onto your sentence unless you give up now.” 

“And let you get the better of me? Not today,” said Queen Venus. She held out her hands, a yellow mist emanating from them that covered the room. “Mark my words, I will get that diamond!” 

Blue Eagle coughed. “That darned gas is interfering with my super senses. I can’t tell what’s happening in there!” 

The mist dissipated, and when it did, Queen Venus and her henchmen were gone.  

“Drat! She got away again!” said Switch. 

“Don’t worry, Switch,” said Blue Eagle. “She’ll be back. And next time, we won’t let her get away.” 


Later, at the secret lair of the evil Queen Venus...... 

Frankie and Willie were keeping their heads down. Queen Venus was still raging at their failure to procure the Diamante Diamond. The two sat at the small table while Queen Venus chewed them out and called them names for about an hour.  

“One day! I swear, I’ll destroy those two meddlesome superheroes if it’s the last thing I ever do!” 

Now she was at least focusing her anger on her enemies. Frankie took this moment to turn on the television and see what was on. Maybe a sitcom, or some cartoons. 

“Gee, boss, it’s no big loss,” said Willie. “You didn’t get ‘em this time, but you always lose to them.” 

Queen Venus turned and stared right through Willie’s head. “You loudmouthed loser! I’d keep quiet if I were you, or Frankie might turn around and see a humanoid tangle of vines wearing your nice blue suit.” 

Willie let out a large gulp, shaking heavily. “S-sorry, boss! That’s not what I meant! I was just sayin’--” 

“Enough of your babbling, you idiot! If you’ve got time to sprout nonsense, you’ve got time to sprout ideas on how to get our hands on the Diamante Diamond!” 

“Hey, boss! Check this out!” said Frankie. 

They watched as, on the television, a reporter was interviewing Blue Eagle and Switch. The way the superhero duo stood there so proudly made Queen Venus sick. 

“We’re here with the Father-Son Duo, the defenders of the justice, Herald City’s very own Blue Eagle and Switch the Blue Eaglet. They’ve just returned to the police station after a battle at the Herald City Jewel Expo against Queen Venus, Herald City’s Most Heinous,” said the reporter. “Blue Eagle, what comments do you have on today’s events?” she asked, tilting the microphone in Blue Eagle’s direction. 

“Only the obvious. That crime doesn’t pay,” said Blue Eagle.  

“Should the citizens of Herald City fear Queen Venus?” asked the reporter. 

“Of course not! Her powers to control plants may be impressive, but Switch and I showed them the power of our eyebeams today! Didn’t we, Switch?” he answered proudly. “She and her goons can’t match my incredible strength, nor can they hide from us with my super senses! Wherever that fiend strikes, I can fly right over there in minutes.” 

“And people shouldn’t fear any criminals in this city,” added Switch. “It’s not just Blue Eagle and I watching over the city. The Herald City Police Force is second to none. We’re all working day and night to ensure that this city is the safest city in the world.” 

“Well said, Switch,” said Blue Eagle. “The people of Herald City are honest, hardworking people. Those who try to cheat and steal will have the police and ourselves to answer to.” 

“And you, Switch. It is said that you often ‘switch’ between abilities. Is this true?” asked the reporter, tilting her microphone towards Switch. 

“This is absolutely true. My abilities aren’t like my father’s,” answered Switch. “I can use superstrength, speed, flight, eyebeams, and invulnerability, but I can only activate one at a time for a few minutes. After that, I need to wait one to two minutes before activating another power.” He smiled into the camera. “Still doesn’t stop me from kicking Queen Venus’s petunia right back to the garden she crawled out of.” 

“Indeed. This concludes our interview with Blue Ea--” the reporter’s voice was cut short as Frankie turned off the TV. 

“Boy, those two make me so mad! No mention of us at all, right Willie?” said Frankie. 

“You said it, Frankie. What’s a criminal gotta do to get a little respect ‘round these parts?” said Willie. 

“Beats me,” answered Frankie. He turned towards Queen Venus. “Hey boss, what’s our next move?” 

Queen Venus stroked her chin thoughtfully. “As odious as it is to observe those obnoxious overachievers, they give me an idea.” 

“Boss, you’re not suggesting we go clean, are ya?” asked Frankie. 

Willie smacked Frankie on the head with his fist. “Don’t say stupid stuff, Frankie. Boss ain’t suggesting we give up the good life.” He turned to Queen Venus. “Are ya, boss?” 

“Of course not, idiots!” said Queen Venus. “But there is a better way to get our hands on the Diamond.” 

“How’s that, boss?” asked Frankie, rubbing his head. 

“The little brat can only use one power for a couple minutes, and then he needs a minute or two to recharge.” 

“Yeah, but we already know that. How do we use that to our advantage?” asked Willie. 

“Isn’t it obvious? We exploit this weakness to capture Switch, and then demand that Blue Eagle hand over the Diamante Diamond, or else he’ll have to find a new sidekick,” she explained.  

“And so we hand over the kid and get the diamond? Genius, boss!” said Willie. 

“No, that’s idiotic! Why would we hand over the boy and allow them to take us out? Think, you fool!” scolded Queen Venus. “We aren’t actually making an exchange. We’re leading Blue Eagle into a trap.” 

“A trap! That’s a great idea!” exclaimed Frankie excitedly. He scratched his head, his normal confused look returning to his face. “What type of trap, boss?” 

Queen Venus walked to the other side of the table, where a Venus Fly Trap sat in a pot. She touched it with her finger. In an instant, it grew a full six feet. 

“A Venus Fly Trap,” said Queen Venus menacingly. 

The Venus Fly Trap looked at Frankie and Willie, who gripped each other in fear. A sinister smile formed across its mouth. 


At the Herald City Police Station, our heroes are discussing matters with the Chief of Police. 

“What’s wrong, Chief? I heard you had an urgent message for us?” asked Blue Eagle. 

“Yes, Blue Eagle. It’s a matter of urgent--” started the Chief when his desk phone rang. “Excuse me, gentlemen.” He picked up the phone. “This is Chief......What’s that?.....She’s where?.........They’re doing what?.......” 

Blue Eagle and Switch looked at each other. The Chief seemed unnerved by whatever he was being told over the phone. 

“No, don’t do anything. I’ll send them over right away.” The Chief placed the phone back on the receiver. 

“Is something wrong, Chief?” asked Switch. 

“There sure is, Blue Eaglet,” replied the Chief. “Queen Venus and her goons are in Herald City Nature Park wreaking havoc!” 

“Say no more, Chief,” said Blue Eagle. “Come, Blue Eaglet. We’ve not a moment to waste!” 


At the Herald City Nature Park, where people were having a nice day until........ 

Queen Venus laughed manically as she willed the tree branches to move. People screamed and ran as the branches reached out for them like hands. 

Frankie and Willie kept their distance behind her. 

“Boy, Queen Venus is really scary when she gets scary, ain’t she, Willie?” asked Frankie. 

“You said it,” said Willie, biting his nails nervously. 

A child ran away from the trees, but tripped and fell. He covered his face as the tree branches menacingly reached out for him. Suddenly, he was scooped up in a pair of arms that didn’t feel anything like wood. He opened his eyes. 

“Wow! Thanks, Blue Eagle!” the child exclaimed excitedly. The superhero had swooped in and grabbed him, and they flew a few feet off the ground. 

“Don’t mention it, sonny,” replied Blue Eagle. 

He flew the boy over to his parents and set him down. The boy ran to his parents, then turned back to the superhero and waved goodbye as Blue Eagle flew back to where the danger was.  

His enhanced hearing picked up on the boy saying how cool the superhero was. Had he not been focused on trying to keep Queen Venus from hurting anyone, he might have felt a swell of pride. 

Switch was struggling with the tree branches, punching at them as they attempted to reach out to grab him. His swings were successfully keeping them at bay, and Blue Eagle figured that Switch must have activated his superstrength. That meant that Switch would have between two to five minutes of enhanced strength before his powers gave out and needed to cool down. 

“Need a hand?” asked Blue Eagle, landing next to Switch. 

“I’d prefer a lumberjack, but I’ll take whatever I can get,” replied Switch. 

The pair allowed the tree branches to grab them by the wrists, then pulled as hard as they could with their superstrength, ripping the branches off. With the trees no longer a threat, they turned to Queen Venus. 

“Give it up! There’s no escape for you today,” commanded Blue Eagle. 

“Oh, but that’s where you’re wrong, you insufferable do-gooder,” replied Queen Venus. “I will be escaping here today, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.” 

“We stop you every time. Whatever it is you came here for, you’re not going to get it,” said Switch. 

“Oh, that’s where you’re wrong, child. Frankie! Willie!”  

Frankie and Willie, who were hiding behind some shrubbery, came running up to Queen Venus.  

“Yes, boss?” they asked in unison. 

“Show our friends our army,” she said with more than a hint of menace in her voice. 

“Will do, boss,” said Willie. From his jacket’s breast pocket, he pulled out a small bag of seeds and placed five of them on the ground. Frankie brandished a watering can, pink with a dandelion design over its spout, and watered each of the five seeds. 

Blue Eagle and Switch watched the seeds grew instantaneously into five identical humanoid shapes. Each of them were made of vines, grass, and leaves. The plant monsters raised their arms towards the heroes in unison and began shambling towards them. 

“I’ll be taking my leave of you eagle-loving zeroes,” said Queen Venus. “But my plant monsters will stay and enjoy our city’s beautiful parks. You can either stay behind and stop them, allowing me to escape, or you can pursue me, and let the useless morons of this city fend for themselves!” With that, Queen Venus turned and ran, laughing evilly as she did.  

“I vote we do both!” said Blue Eagle. “Switch, you stay here and take care of these creatures. I’ll go stop Her High and Mightiness.” 

“Great idea!” replied Switch as Blue Eagle took to the skies. 

The plant monsters closed in on Switch. One lunged forward, only to be taken out with a strength-enhanced right hook. Behind him, another one. An uppercut to the jaw sent the creature flying through the air. He didn’t have time to see where it landed as the remaining three dived onto him at once, dragging him to the ground. It didn’t do the monsters much good as he threw them off him with a burst of strength. He looked around to see that they were all down for the count. 

He wiped his hands together. “Well, that couldn’t have been easier if I were using pesticides,” he gloated. 

“You ain’t done, kid,” said Willie as he and Frankie stepped up to face him. “You still gotta deal with us!” 

“Oh no, it’s Tweedledum and Tweedledumber,” mocked Switch, loosening his arm to ready himself for another fight. “Queen Venus pay you to babysit her walking houseplants?” 

“Nah, she payin’ us to babysit you,” said Willie. “Let’s get ‘em, Frankie!” 

The pair of crooks lunged at Switch. The boy tried to fight back, but unfortunately, his superstrength had worn off. Frankie grabbed Switch from behind in a bearhug.  

“Hey! Get off me, you ugly oaf!” yelled Switch, struggling to break free. 

Willie took out a perfume bottle. “Have a little Ode d’eux Venus, you little brat,” he said, spraying the perfume in Switch’s face. Switch went limp in Frankie’s body. 

“Out like a light,” said Frankie.  

“Let’s get him back to the hideout,” said Willie. “Boss is gonna be so proud of us.” 


Meanwhile, in the skies above the Herald City Nature Park...... 

Blue Eagle circled the skies around the park. Queen Venus had disappeared into the trees not too far from where their confrontation began. Given her ability to manipulate plants, she could easily escape using the foliage as the trees got denser the further one went in the direction they were going.  

“It looks like she got away again,” he said to himself. “Better get back to Switch and figure out our next move.” 


Blue Eagle returns to where he left his son, only to make a startling discovery! 

“Switch!? Switch!?” called Blue Eagle, his hands cupped around his mouth. 

He scanned the area as best he could with his super senses. This was undoubtedly where he had left Switch; he didn’t go very far in pursuit of Queen Venus. But he couldn’t see or hear anything that indicated the presence of another person nearby, Switch or otherwise. 

“Hmm, that’s strange. Switch isn’t here,” said Blue Eagle, stroking his chin. “It’s not like him to just disappear. Did something happen to him? I hope not. Perhaps he went back to the police station. I’ll check in with the Chief.” 


At the Police Chief’s office........ 

“No, Blue Eagle. I haven’t seen your son since the last time you two were here,” said the Chief. 

“Then where can he be?” wondered Blue Eagle. “Could Queen Venus have captured him somehow?” 

Before the Chief could respond, an officer ran in holding an envelope. 

“Chief! Chief! This was found on at the front desk! We don’t know where it came from, but it’s addressed to you and it’s from Queen Venus!” 

The Chief took the letter and opened it, reading the contents aloud. “‘Switch the Blue Eaglet is mine. If you want to see him alive, bring the Diamante Diamond to me at the Herald City Botanical Gardens at 7 PM tonight, or else my pet will be having baby eagle for dinner.’ This is terrible, Blue Eagle! What are you going to do?” 

“Simple, Chief. I’m going to give Blue Eagle exactly what she wants.” 


At the Botanical Gardens, a diabolical trap lays in wait..... 

Queen Venus and her henchmen stood waiting over a wooden footbridge. Below them was a thirty foot drop into a deep ravine. It was almost 7, and her archnemesis would be there any moment.  

And the moment couldn’t come soon enough. She was sick and tired of hearing-- 

“You’re not going to get away with this!” shouted Switch, tied upside down underneath the bridge. Vines were wrapped around his ankles and chest, and he swung precariously above the water. 

Queen Venus chuckled softly to herself as she peered over the edge. “Keep telling yourself that, child. And keep struggling, too. Those vines are extra strong. Even your superstrength couldn’t break you free of them.” 

“I hope you’re prepared to surrender when my father gets here,” said Switch. “Because this time, you’re going to jail.” 

“Ha ha! You hear that? Jail? Try a private island with the money from that diamond your old man’s bringing us,” laughed Frankie. “We’re gonna be filthy rich!” 

“You’re going to be disappointed,” said Switch. 

“I think not,” said Queen Venus. “The Diamante Diamond will make me the richest woman in the world. And when I am on the apex of society, everyone will recognize me for the Queen I am.” She looked up in the sky. “Ah, the eagle is landing.” 

Blue Eagle landed near one end of the bridge. In his hand, he held the Diamante Diamond. 

“I’m here, Queen Venus,” he said.  

“Blue Eagle!” shouted Switch. 

“Nice of you to join us, superhero. Are you prepared to hand over the Diamante Diamond?” asked Queen Venus. 

“Are you prepared to hand over Switch?” replied Blue Eagle. 

“Of course. When have I ever broken my promise?” asked Queen Venus with mock sincerity. 

“But boss, remember that time you promised me--” started Frankie, who was cut short when Willie pulled on his ear. 

“Not now, Frankie.” 

“I don’t trust you. But I have no choice. Here,” said Blue Eagle, tossing the Diamond to Queen Venus. 

The supervillain looked at the diamond in the her hands. “Yes, yes, the immense wealth of this diamond is mine now.” 

“You have your diamond. Now release Switch,” demanded Blue Eagle. 

“With pleasure,” she said. 

The vine that held Switch in the air suddenly detached from the bridge. As he fell, a Venus Fly Trap with a six foot flower and bulb appeared out of the creek. It gnashed it’s teeth together, ready to chomp on the body of the helpless boy. 

“Switch!” cried Blue Eagle, but he was too late as his sidekick fell into the plant’s gaping maw. 

For a moment, the plant seemed to have a look of contention on its face. That expression turned to discomfort and then pain just as quickly. Parts of its head seem to thrust outward, like someone punching their way out from under a blanket. It seemed to struggle for a moment, then moved its mouth as if preparing to spit. It hesitated and quivered slightly for an instant before spitting out Switch, who was now free of the vines.  

Switch landed on the bridge next to Blue Eagle. Despite being eaten by a giant Venus Fly Trap, he didn’t have a scratch on him, nor was he in any pain. In his hand was part of the vine that had bound him. 

“What!? No!” roared Queen Venus. 

“Are you okay, Blue Eaglet?” asked Blue Eagle. 

“Sure am,” said Switch, getting to his feet. “My invulnerability is more than enough to withstand the likes of that overgrown houseplant. And trust me, it’s way weaker on the inside than on the outside. Didn’t even need superstrength to break out.” 

“I’m glad you waited for me to get here rather than just breaking free,” said Blue Eagle. 

“Wait, are you saying that kid could have busted free of us at any time?” asked Willie in shock. 

Switch smiled mischievously. “I sure could have! But I figured it would be better to wait until Blue Eagle arrived so we can take you bozos on together.” 

“No matter! I have the Diamante Diamond!” said Queen Venus, holding up the diamond. “My plan to get you to bring me the diamond was a success! Now, endless wealth and power will be mine!” 

“Think again!” said Blue Eagle. “That diamond is a fake!” 


“You probably saw the advertisement that said the Diamante Diamond was a one-of-a-kind gemstone that was lost to time. Well, you missed the part where it said the item being displayed was a replica.” 

“No way!” said Frankie, taking out the advertisement from his pocket. “It says it right here! ‘Come see the Diamante Diamond, the ancient priceless diamond lost to time, rumored to exist in ancient Mayan ruins but never seen by human eyes. Herald City Jewel Expo will be displaying a glass replica of what archeologists believe the diamond to look like.’ Uh oh......” 

You nittering nincompoop!” yelled Queen Venus in anger, dropping the worthless glass item on the floor. The “Diamond” shattered into pieces. “You sent us on a wild goose chase for a replica!?” 

“Looks like you should’ve read the fine print,” said Switch. “Now, are you going to surrender quietly, or are we going to have to take you in by force?” 

“Oh, you can try, bird boy,” said Queen Venus taking off her hooded cape and her thorned crown. “But today will be your undoing.” 

“That’s what you think, Venus!” said Blue Eagle, lifting himself off the ground and charging at Queen Venus. 

“Frankie! Willie! Attack!” ordered Queen Venus. 

The henchmen ran past Queen Venus and Blue Eagle, making a beeline towards Switch. 

“Hey kid, you think you have a chance against us while your powers are recharging?” asked Willie, advancing menacingly towards Switch. 

Switch just smirked. “Who said anything about recharging?” he asked. 

He suddenly lurched forward so quickly that the henchmen couldn’t see him. He’d activated his superspeed, one of the five abilities in his arsenal. With the strong vine that had been used to restrain him still in his hand, he ran literal circles around the pair. By the time they realized what was happening, they were tied back-to-back by a vine that was supposed to be strong enough to restrain someone with enhanced strength. 

“Hey, wha--?” they cried as they struggled in vain to break free. 

“I’d ask if you guys ever get tired of getting beat by a 12 year old,” mocked Switch, “but you guys are about as dangerous as children. My powers recharged while we were chatting, you dopes.” 

Further along the bridge, Blue Eagle struggled against three human sized vines with large mouths and human teeth that stood between him and Queen Venus. They lashed out at him, but his fists kept them at bay. 

“What’s wrong, hero? Are my pets too much for you?” mocked Queen Venus. 

“Not at all. I was just thinking that three heads are better than one,” said Blue Eagle. He grabbed the two vines on either side, smashing them into the middle vine with superstrength. The three vines collapsed to the floor. “How’s that for putting your heads together?” 

He stepped forward. “As for you.....” 

“As for me, nothing! You’ll never match my power!” said Queen Venus. She struck out with a right hook, connecting with Blue Eagle’s jaw. He stumbled back, and a left straight sent him onto his back. 

He looked up as she approached. “It seems my strength matches yours. What hope do you have of defeating me?” 

Blue Eagle fired his eyebeams at her, but with a gesture, a concentrated mixture of vines and grass sprang forth from beneath her, from plant life that had made the cracks in the bridge their home. They were dense enough to block the eyebeams, though they themselves were disintegrated. 

Queen Venus laughed. “You’ve fired your last eyebeam, Blue Eagle! Now, taste my wrath!”  

Blue Eagle looked as more vines crept around him from the bottom of the bridge, wrapping around his chest and restraining him. He struggled to break free. She charged at him, ready to deliver another enhanced powered punch. As she charged, he thrust his arms outward with all the power he could muster, breaking free of the vines. Lowering his upper body, he ducked underneath her and lifted her into the air. The force sent tumbling head over heels and she landed facedown on the wooden bridge. 

“Drat! Time to escape!” said Queen Venus, rubbing her head. She picked herself up and jumped off the bridge, the Venus Fly Trap reemerging from the water. “Frankie! Willie! Retreat!” She landed in the mouth of the plant, which looked like it still wasn’t feeling well. 

“Hey, boss, wait for--” Frankie started to yell before a thick vine reached out from the deep and grabbed the tied up pair, pulling them into the mouth of the Venus Fly Trap.  

“Just you wait! We’ll be back!” yelled Queen Venus from the mouth of the plant, shaking her fist. “And next time, we will be victorious!” 

“And we’ll make sure to stop you,” said Blue Eagle quietly. 


Later, Blue Eagle and Switch report back to the Chief of Police...... 

“Excellent work, Blue Eagle and Switch!” said the Chief. “I’m glad you’re okay, Blue Eaglet. And I can’t believe that Queen Venus didn’t know the Diamante Diamond was a replica!” 

“It was our pleasure, Chief,” said Switch. “Humiliating Queen Venus is a job we never get tired of.” 

“Oh, that reminds me,” said the Chief. “I have a job for you two. It is of the utmost importance.” 

“You were trying to tell us about it when Queen Venus attacked,” said Blue Eagle. “What is it, Chief? We’re always at your service.” 

“That’s right!” said Switch. “Whatever we can do for you and your police force, we’ll do it.” 

“Well, it’s not really for the police force,” said the Chief, reaching under his desk. “You see, my wife and I are going out of town for a few days, and we need someone to look after our plant.” He placed a familiar looking plant onto his desk. “It’s a Venus Fly Trap. Can you look after it for a few days?” 

Blue Eagle and Switch looked at each other in utter defeat.

Next time, on The Adventures of BLUE EAGLE!

Episode 2: “An Apple A Day”: When Queen Venus contaminates a popular apple brand to create an army of superhumans, Blue Eagle and Switch leap into action.

Next episode….