The Challengers Bravo

Switch, superhero and leader of the Challengers Bravo

Artwork by FujiFingerZ.

Tumblr / BlueSky

Name: Switch

Real name: Jack Dufraine

Age: 16

Role: Superhero / Leader of the Challengers Bravo


  • Superstrength

  • Superspeed

  • Flight

  • Eyebeams

  • Invulnerability

Non-super abilities:

  • Proficiency in boxing, street fighting, and non-formal unarmed combat against multiple opponents.

  • Proficiency with dual extendable batons

  • Proficiency in stealth

Weaknesses: Switch must activate a power in order to use it and can only use one at a time. The power will remain active for anywhere from two to five minutes, after which it will shut off and he will enter a one to two minute “cooldown” period during which he is powerless.

The son and former sidekick of the superhero Blue Eagle, Switch now sets out to be an independent superhero through the government-sponsored SPIRE Initiative. Trying to shake the image of the sidekick, he wants nothing more to be taken seriously as a superhero by his father, something he often doubts he can achieve. Nevertheless, he is confident of his own abilities even with his defective powers. It’s his capabilities as a leader he’s less confident in, as well as his ability to win the heart of his teammate, Moon Shadow. Quiet and shy when off the field, but focused, serious, and intimidating when he has the bad guys in his sights.

The superhero Moon Shadow from SWITCH and the Challengers Bravo by TienSwitch

Artwork by FujiFingerZ.

Tumblr / BlueSky

Name: Moon Shadow

Real Name: Jaiden Chang

Age: 16

Role: Superhero


  • Shadow portals

  • Manipulation of shape and size of shadows

  • Natural talent for skills of those whose shadows she jumps through (during childhood only)

Non-super abilities:

  • Expertise in martial arts

  • Gymnastics

  • Acrobatics

  • Other domestic, intellectual, and artistic pursuits of those whose shadows she jumped through as a child

Moon Shadow is unique amongst her superhero peers in a bad way. While other superheroes are brave in the face of certain death, Moon Shadow is burdened by crippling anxiety. New to Herald City and a rookie hero, she knows little to nothing about the tropes and culture of the world she’s stepped into. It’s a mystery as to why she even is a superhero. But if she can work up the courage to fight, she can punch far above her weight!

Animalady, superhero and member of the Challengers Bravo

Artwork by FujiFingerZ.

Tumblr / BlueSky

Name: Animalady

Real Name: Fl’ska “Felicia” F’ae

Age: 796 Ma’Mali cycles (43 Earth years)

Role: Superhero

Powers: N/A

Non-super abilities:

  • Enhanced strength

  • Enhanced hearing and smell

  • Not primarily sight-oriented

  • Razor-sharp claws

  • Tail functions as a fifth limb

  • Mammal transformation ability

As a Ma’Malian, Animalady can transform into any mammal that she is aware of the existence of at will, taking on all of their traits. As a result, she can transform into any mammal on Ma’Malia or Earth. Her most common transformations include:

  • Mon’kap’E: A large gorilla-like creature that towers over Earth apes and has six arms. When she needs a strength advantage.

  • Wok’Rn: A massive cheetah-like creature and the fastest runner on two planets. When she needs a speed advantage or to provide transportation for her team.

  • Bir’Dra: A large winged creature that can fly. Her underlying bone structure is more akin to a bat than a bird. When she needs flight or to provide transportation for her team.

  • Bull: When she wants to do a charge attack.

  • Wolf: Enhances her sense of smell beyond her base form. When she wants to bite into or distract an opponent, or to track something.

  • Po’Go: A small chimp-like creature with a strange smile and a tail that it bounces off of. This tail generates far more force than it looks. When she wants to be as unpredictable as possible.

  • Elephant: When she wants to maximize her defense, protect her teammates, or otherwise act as an immovable object.

  • Cat: When she wants to maximize her agility and minimize her ability to get hit.

Animalady, like the other Ma’Malians who came to Earth, is a refugee from the planet Ma’Malia. She dreams of returning one day and being a warrior like her father. Of course, you wouldn’t know it from her silly and goofy nature. Far from the smartest person on the team, Animalady is clearly the youngest due to the long lifespans of Ma’Malians and acts like a combination of the little sister and team pet. She has a lot of growing up to do, but she knows what she wants and hopes her career as a superhero will prove her value as a warrior.

Bionic Boy, superhero and member of the Challengers Bravo

Artwork by FujiFingerZ.

Tumblr / BlueSky

Name: Bionic Boy

Real Name: Akeem Abdejo

Age: 17

Role: Superhero


  • Mastery with any electronic/computational device upon interfacing with its UI via standard control terminal (mastery lasts only as long as interface lasts)

Due to Bionic Boy’s ability to instantly know everything about the capabilities and functions of any electronic device he is currently using, he is the only person able to use the TomorrowTech Multi-Function Armor. The armor possesses:

  • Bullet and blunt force resistant composite polymer chest, arm, and leg plating.

  • Hard-light emitters in the gauntlets capable of generating constructs such as blades, shields, chains, and projectiles.

  • Auto-activation microthrusters in the gauntlet for increased power to punches.

  • Shock absorption boots.

  • Infrared, thermal, and night-vision modes.

  • Computer storage and Internet access capabilities.

  • Radio and television signal interception.

  • Anti-viral protocols and neural differential algorithms.

  • Direct neural interface.

Bionic Boy may be one of the most valuable members of Switch’s team. A walking tank with versatile offensive and defensive capabilities, as well as command over the technological world, he has more than earned his confidence. Sassy, coy, and cocky, he loves to tease his teammates and let his presence be known no matter what. But despite this, Bionic Boy strives to be the best and show the world that he’s worthy of wearing the TomorrowTech Industries armor. He has something to prove and he will push himself—and this teammates—to the absolute max. This leads him to frequently butt heads with the other Challengers Bravo, notably his leader, Switch.