Artwork by Luan Maximino.

Name: Blue Eagle

Real name: David Dufraine

Role: Superhero


  • Superstrength

  • Flight

  • Eyebeams

  • Super senses

Blue Eagle is Herald City’s premier defender. A champion of justice, he tirelessly devotes himself to the preservation of law, order, and peace. He is wise and experienced, and strives to be as much of a role model for his son and the rest of his citizenry as he is a thorn in the side of the criminal element.

Artwork by Luan Maximino.

Name: Switch the Blue Eaglet

Real name: Jack Dufraine

Role: Superhero / sidekick


  • Superstrength

  • Superspeed

  • Flight

  • Eyebeams

  • Invulnerability

Weaknesses: Switch must activate a power in order to use it and can only use one at a time. The power will remain active for anywhere from two to five minutes, after which it will shut off and he will enter a one to two minute “cooldown” period during which he is powerless.

Switch is the son and sidekick of Blue Eagle. He is dutiful and eager to learn, and despite his young age, he is well on his way to becoming a skilled superhero. Though he is playful and more ready for a fight than Blue Eagle, he is nonetheless a respectful young man eager to learn everything he can about heroism. Dedicated to protecting Herald City from the scourge of super-criminals, he does not let his unreliable deter him from his mission to combat evil.

Artwork by Luan Maximino.

Name: Queen Venus

Real name: ***Unknown***

Role: Supervillain


  • Ability to control plants as an extension of herself

  • Ability to produce and summon vines, leaves, flowers, and other related flora from underground, other nearby locations, and even from her own body

  • Ability to create monsters—humanoid or otherwise—of various sizes made from plants or plant material

  • Toxic bloodstream that can secrete gas or liquid that can cause temporary blindness, dizziness, paralysis, or loss of powers

  • Superstrength

  • Botanic knowledge that allows her to use her existing abilities in far more versatile ways

Queen Venus is the archenemy of Blue Eagle and the most dangerous supervillain in all of Herald City. She has wealth, domination, and the destruction of the Father-Son Duo on her mind at all times. She can seem short-sighted and hasty, letting her anger at not getting her way cloud her judgment. But don’t let that—or the comical failures of her bumbling henchmen, Frankie and Willie—throw you off. It takes a lot to be at the top of the Rogues’ Gallery, and her absolute powers over nature unquestionably cement her position there.

Be sure to check out more about The Adventures of BLUE EAGLE here!